Today marks exactly 1 month since my last blog post and normally I would be on here apologizing and giving you a long post on why but the simple reason is I just wanted to enjoy my children and holidays. I didn't plan that month break from the blog, it just happened and I'm so happy that I did. I've missed writing here so much! But honestly I needed to take the time off and enjoy December to the fullest. In 7 years I've never taken such a long break. Most importantly, I am so happy that you guys are still here reading this and supporting me. Your love and support mean the world to me, truly. 

As we end 2018, I wanted to share some end of year thoughts that have been on my mind and hope they can inspire you to live your best [and peaceful] life in 2019. It's just a few thoughts that I've been reflecting on. The older I get the more I realize life is about one simple thing: being HAPPY. We are all searching for happiness, one way or another, rich or poor, young or old, single or in a relationship, we just want to be happy, no matter what background, income or sexual preference, we all search for happiness. Whatever that may mean to each of us. 
And although I lost my sweet fur baby Lola on August 1st, 2018 has been a great year professionally and spiritually. Here are some of the mantras and thoughts that God and the universe brought onto me this year: 

1. No matter what you do, make sure it brings you pure happiness. Whether that's spending time with my kids, family or friends. I want to spend time with those who bring me love and light, nothing else. I am focused on doing things that make me happy, even if that means staying home and other times going out and having the time of my life.

2. Whoever you are spending your time with, make sure that they are genuinely wishing you well from the bottom of their heart. Energy doesn't lie. Vibes don't lie. Don't waste time with anyone that makes you feel sad, angry or annoyed. Spend your time with those who celebrate your wins. Listen to your heart and pay attention to the vibes your body feels, they don't lie.

3. Be patient, don't cheat the race, it'll catch up to you eventually. At least that's how I think. Be a good human, don't play people and don't cheat yourself. Create good things, the reward will come. Don't do anything that doesn't sit well with your soul [or spirit as Kanye would say]. One day I will share what this means to me. There's been so many times I wanted to take a shortcut in this social media world but my entire being felt so uncomfortable with it. So I decided to look for other ways to rise... not the short cut. I've learned it's simply not me and that's ok. You have to practice what is best for YOU and no one else, we are all different and I don't follow all trends. This is not in full fruition so I don't want to share just yet but when it does become 100% a reality I will share, I promise. 

4. Prayer works wonders. I am so proud of where my relationship with God has taken me this year. 2018 has been such a beautiful year spiritually for me. God speaks to me daily in so many amazing ways but how did I get here? By feeling genuinely, truly GRATEFUL. I've asked for answers and for guidance and my God has always delivered. If you are going through a tough time or a confusing time, please don't ever doubt that God has got your back, no matter how blurry things look right now. 

5. Through the good and the bad... when I lay my head to sleep, I want to feel peaceful and I want my soul to be at ease. That was my goal these last couple of months; professionally, personally and spiritually. Affirmations make me feel good, prayer makes me feel good, meditation exercises make me feel good, so I do all the things that make me feel good. 

For 2019, I hope [and pray] I can continue these thoughts and feelings because I've never felt better than the past couple of months. I am filled with happiness, I feel grateful for all the things and I am ready to grab 2019 by the horns. 

This year the hubs finally decided to create a vision board with me and I am so excited to share how we do. The idea is to film it;) My goal is to share a lot more videos, so hopefully this will be my return to YouTube so stay tuned - subscribe HERE! Hope you babes have an amazing end of 2018 and a even better new year. Do all the things with love and the kindness of your heart and great things will happen. The world needs more love and kindness spread around like confetti! 

See you guys here next year!