Happy Monday! First things first... I wanted to wish you all a great, happy and productive week!
I shot these fall style photos a week ago for a super special feature I can't wait to show you. As soon as I can I will share with you. Thankfully it was a cold chilly morning the morning we took these pics... because this passed weekend we had full on summer weather. And I mean like 85-90 degrees at the end of September weather. So crazy but it felt so good. Back to this look... as soon as I got word on what they needed (flat knee high boots) I knew I wanted to pair the look with a layered look. Because it is simply one of my favorites to play around with in the fall and winter. I added the beanie to accentuate the look and make it all come together. All these pieces are from last winter and I was happy to remix them to create this look.
Buenos dias y feliz lunes! Primero que nada queria desearles una semana feliz y productiva. 
Estas fotos son parte de un look que ya quiero darles detalles pero todavia no puedo. Estoy muy emocionada de decirles para que fueron estas fotos. Pero bueno ya vendra el dia:) Bueno cuando me pidieron que el look sea con botas de talla alta y sin tacos immediatamente supe que queria ponerme un look de layers o capas. Es uno de mis estilos favoritos para el invierno. Me encanta que use todas estas piezas de el anio pasado para crear este look casual y chi y un poquito divertido. Le anadi el gorro para completar el look y darle una pequena combinacion a las botas. Cuales son mis favoritas! Ya necesito unas nuevas, jaja!
Sweater/Sueter: H&M
Collar Shirt/Camisa de Cuello: c/o Old Navy
Pants/Pantalon: Zara
Boots/Botas: Endless (super old)
Bag/Cartera: Forever 21

Stay tuned for a beauty post tomorrow, can't wait to tell you all about one of my favorite foundations!
Manana en el blog les traigo un post de belleza, contandoles todo sobre mi base de cara favorita!