
When it came to thinking about what outfits I wanted to wear for New York Fashion Week, I was super indecisive and totally last minute in styling them. As mentioned on the previous outfit post from Day 1, my favorite outfits come to me last minute and under pressure. I knew I wanted different styles for different days. So because I went with a super feminine and elegant look on the very first day, I wanted to do something completely different and more fun on the second day I was there. And these pants were definitely FUN. The print on them reminds me of my mom's vintage scarves. So chic and very 70s. And though initially I thought of wearing a simple solid black silk top... I said to myself "it's fashion week Erika go for it and have fun!" so I wore this black and white beaded jacket with gold accents. And added this cute red handbag to complete my look. Comfort is key and this outfit made me feel super comfy, confident and chic. I hope you enjoyed this one.
Como les mencione antes casi ninguno de mis looks estuvieron planeados para New York Fashion Week. A veces me pasa que los atuendos favoritos, son generalmente creados a ultima hora y bajo presion, jajaja! Y asi mismito sucedio este look, cual para mi es mi favorito. Estos bellos pantalomes me recuerdan a las bufandas de seda de mi mama... el estampado super divertido y chic. Les soy sincera mi primer instinto fue ponermelos con una blusa negra de seda super simple... pero en ese mismisimo me dije a mi misma "Erika atrevete! Diviertete! Es la semana de la moda!" Y eso fue exactamente lo que hize.... me puse este jacket corte negro con blanco detallado con piedritas y toques dorados. Y complete el look con esta cartera clasica roja. Les confieso que estuve mas comoda que el dia anterios y me senti super segura y chic. Espero que les haya gustado.

Jacket/Chaqueta: XOXO | Pants/Pantalones: Angie | Purse/Cartera: TJMaxx | LOVE bracelet: Lola Blue

I was stopped and asked for pictures for Daily Candy I was super flattered and excited! Daily Candy often features the most amazing styles, therefore I was extremely happy to pose for them and give them my outfit deets. Here is the screenshot of the feature from their website, see it HERE.
La pagina de moda Daily Candy me paro y me pidio unas fotos y detalles de mi look. Por supuesto que se los di y estaba super contenta ya que Daily Candy es super popular y siempre ponen estilos de moda super cheveres. Vean AQUI el enlace completo.
