So how do I motivate myself when I'm  feel discouraged? Well, the truth is that on my good days, I swear I could fly if I tried hard enough. That's the level of confidence I am on. At least that’s what I feel in those moments. On my high days, I am invincible and I don’t take no for an answer... from anyone. And you get to see those a lot of those moments on my Instagram. And that's exactly what it is, the best moments of life. And of course that’s not me every day. There is no way I can be high on life and feel that level of confidence, every single day… I’d love to but we are all human after all. We are flawed and we don’t realize that everything we tell our minds is true. Good, great, the bad and the worse, those are all true if you tell yourself that.

And if I am being honest, I don’t like myself during my low days. It doesn’t feel like me. But I guess you have to ride out the storm to catch sight of the sun-rays, right? So how do I deal with the days I am discouraged and unmotivated? I have to let it out. I have to talk it out and tell someone how I am feeling, what I am thinking. I have to release all those negative thoughts. 
After I've shared my feelings and thoughts I begin to strategize and start by making a plan of action. So here are 5 tips that have helped me get motivated when I am feeling discouraged: 

1. Write down your goals: Not on your phone... write it on paper! Be precise, be detailed and intentional on what you want to achieve and remind yourself that these goals are, in fact, attainable. 

2. Envisioning your higher self: Write down how you want to feel, how you'd like to be, write it as if you are already "her". Act like the woman you want to become. At what time does she wake up? How does she begin her day? How does she dress? Be the woman you envision for yourself. 

3.  Stay grateful: Write down your blessings on paper. Journaling is so therapeutic... it's a nice reminder that life is not so bad after all. Being thankful for what you have right now will get you on the right path to achieving your future goals, gratitude is essential to success.

4. Write down your plan of action: So now that you have all your ideas, feelings and thoughts on paper, write down how you are going to act on your goals. Make a realistic plan of action and include dead lines. Start with monthly goals and move on organize them by monthly, quarterly and yearly goals. 

5. Say your affirmations: You all know I have always been a big believer in affirmations because they really can turn your day around. I say my affirmations in the shower, on the way to drop off the kids at school (they say them too) and anytime I feel I need to remind myself go who I am. Living an intentional life is key to creating the life you've always wanted.