Life is a Party! The Old Navy Fall Collection Preview

 A couple of weeks ago I was invited to Old Navy's Fall Collection preview. I love going to previews because I get to see all the new season styles before they hit shelves. And as always Old Navy did not disappoint. The colors where vibrant and even though fall/winter tends to get a little darker in the wardrobe department... I love how Old Navy kept it fun and chic by adding texture, print and my favorite embellishments to their pieces. I can't wait to go out and style some of my faves. There will be a fun and casual Old Navy look on the blog this week, so stay tuned!

This post is full of photos, I hope you like them... enjoy!
Hace mas o menos dos semanas tuve el gran placer de ser invitada a ver la coleccion de otonio de Old Navy. Me encanta poder ver las piezas de la nueva temporada antes de que llegan a los almacenes. Y como siempre Old Navy no dejo de que hablar. Los colors estuvieron vibrantes, las texturas super detallista... y los estampados preciosos. Deifnitivamente estoy ansiosa por ponerme algunas de estas piezas. Esta semana les traere un look casual de Old Navy, asi que no se lo pierdan!

Este post esta lleno de fotos, espero les guste! disfruten!

Perfect for Ben! | Precioso atuendo para mi bebe! 

Old Navy filmed a little video at the event for internal purposes... but it was still so much fun to do the interview. I love the camera! Thanks to my friend Nadia for capturing these fun images of me in action!
