Headband/Cintillo: Forever 21
Sweater/Sueter: H&M
Pants/Pantalon: H&M
Shoes/Zapatos: Zara
This weather is making me bananas. One day I am freezing! One day I am enjoyinh the sunny cool days! I am loving the gorgeous 50 degree December days! I wish these were our winters. It makes life so much easier! I can wear cute shoes and no socks! Yay! I wore this outfit on Saturday for some errands. If you've noticed I have not bought many new things lately. For me it would almost be a waste of money to start shopping now at 8 months pregnant for something I will only wear another month or so. So I have been recycling outfits and playing with accessories instead. If you are like me, you don't LOVE maternity clothes... they are very expensive (in my opinion) and you won't wear them for very long. So I use most of my pants that have a comfortable elastic around the waist and sweaters for the most part, as of lately. I have to be honest, while I love my heels, I can only wear them for so long. So I always change into flats after a little while.
Este clima me esta volviendo loca! Un dia super frio, otro super hermoso! Pero de los dias soleados y preciosos no me quejo! Ya quisiera que el invierno de aqui sea asi de bello como el dia de hoy. Es super mas facil decidir que ponerme cuando sale el sol y las temperaturas estan altas. Nada de medias y abrigos gruesos. Como se pueden haber dado cuanto he esta reusando muchos de mis looks - ya que no pienso comprar mucha ropa mas hasta que de a luz. Me parece que seria un gasto de dinero para algo que no usare mas de un mes mas. Por eso veran muchas de mis piezas de el invierno pasado repetidas, en estilo materno. Lo mas facil y comodo para mi con este embarazo a sido usar pantalones de elastico en la cinturan y sueters o cardigans de telas comodas y stretch. La ropa de maternidad me parece demasiada cara, en mi opinion.