If you follow me on Instagram you know I attended the Johnson's Baby Tonight We Sleep event in Manhattan a couple of weeks ago. And right after that event I told you guys I would be sharing tips and ideas on how to get your baby to sleep better through the night. And so many of you were so interested in what the tips would be. During that event we had a panel of experts share tips and facts
about babies , health and their sleep. I decided to be a part of this 7-day challenge and share my experience with you guys. 
As you all know my youngest, Emme, is 13 months and as sweet as my little doll is... she is a difficult baby when it comes to sleeping through the night. So I knew this challenge was right for me. 
I was a little skeptical at first, knowing my daughter, I wasn't sure if it would work. But like anything all it took was some patience and persistence and she has slowly been falling into a routine for that works for all of us. 
I also wanted to share some interesting facts... as background information to keep in mind.
Did you know that by the time children are two years of age, they have slept a total of 13 months out of their lives.  Isn't that crazy? I thought so too. Babies need sleep just like we all do but one of the main reasons for their prolonged zzz's is due to growth hormones. Babies release these hormones during their sleep, not only do they grow in their sleep but so do their teeth. I know I am a much happier mommy when I've had a good night sleep. And that is not just me, in general, adults who sleep less than 7 hours are more like to develop a cold and even suffer from depression and be more irritable. Causing a lot of stress on parents all over the world, because unless you have a perfect baby I think at some point we have all experience a difficult baby at bedtime. 
So aside from sleep being necessary for your baby's growth, it is critical for a healthy family function. To help us develop a smooth and happy bedtime to routine Johnson's Baby has developed a 3-step system, per say, to make it easier for baby to not just fall asleep but also remain asleep through the night. Trust me it was not easy nor did it work with us right away but keep at it and have patience. 
Here are the 3 steps:
O N E : Give baby a soothing warm bath with Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath 
T W O : Gently massage your baby 's body with Johnson's Baby Bedtime Lotion.
T H R E E : Sooth your baby to sleep. This doesn't mean you have to rock her for endless hours. Simply read her a book, play a lullaby, like the Tonight We Sleep tune and lay her in her crib. She will be so relaxed and tired enough to fall asleep on her own.
Be sure to practice and establish a routine that works for your family. We are all different but this is what has been working for us... We start winding down at around 7:30pm every day, the kids both get their baths and settle into their bedrooms. We read them a book or three... and normally by this time they are nice and relaxed. Ben falls asleep very fast every night. But Emme is the one that loves to stay up late, so we had to switch her nap routine in order for her to have a healthier bedtime routine. I know that so many of us go through these exact issues. And trust me, being 100% functional at 7:30 in the morning the next day, on little sleep, is a big issue. I know that I find myself being short on patience, extremely tired and very unproductive. And I know that you can relate which is why I wanted to share these tips with you, since they have slowly but surely been working for us. It is all about routine with babies and kids. And you have to stick to it. If at first it doesn't work, then continue trying because trust me, it will eventually. Also not all kids are the same, so maybe your baby will catch on the routine faster than mine or vice versa and that's ok. Babies develop differently but I am so happy I can at least give you my tips on how I've been doing it lately. And maybe help you a little bit in this journey called motherhood. Best of luck with your sweet babes.